Blessed Birthday

I can not, I retype CAN NOT even express how this has been the best birthday!
To be honest, I have always had unbelievable birthdays! Mostly because my friends are EVERYTHING! You'll get to meet them soon.
But this birthday takes the cake, some pun intended. It was simple, elegant, rachet, fabulous and full of surprises! It wasn't over the top, it wasn't lackluster, it was just right. It was the LEAST stressful weekend I've had in a long time. My birthday is usually one of the most trying time of the year for me, I always put too much pressure on myself on that day. Not on the day and not on the events of the day, but onto myself. It's a quiet burden I believe we all at times put on ourselves. I try not to have it seep out on to the surface, but it almost always finds a way there. That buried pressure has cause me to be emotional on my past birthdays, however this year I turned a new leaf. I made promise to myself not to stress out about things I have no control over and conditions that are inconsequential. At dinner last night my best friends and I were discussing life and it's changes, you know a little light convo; and we came to the realization that 'New Year's Resolutions' shouldn't commencement on January 1st. It should begin with every birthday. Treat every birthday as a time to reflect, as a time to grow and a time to change change bad habits + bad behavior (like texting that fuck boy you know). So I took my own advice and it made all the difference. Here's a glimpse of my carefree weekend. Enjoy.
Live From New York, It's Saturday Night!!! Third time + Floor Seats= Blessed