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All of the Lights

As a New Yorker there are part/places in the city where I just don’t go. Not for any other reason besides it being overly saturated by people, take for example SoHo on a Saturday. Nope, nope, nope. Time Square at any time of the day, nope and the list goes on and on. Now, I am not an outlier here, this feeling is held by 95% of New Yorkers. There are those who hardly leave their borough, which to me is extreme and a bit ridiculous. I explain all of that to say, I've lived in New York for awhile now and I can count on one hand how many times I've traveled to the historical beach/amusement park that is Coney Island. There were 2 main factors that lead my best friend Kodi and I to Coney Island this past week, work and play.

For the work portion, I teamed up with the magical people over at Ramona to shoot some fun colorful shots with this ultra yummy and lightweight wine cooler. Like seriously guys its one of my favorite drinks! Anyone who knows me knows that I can be particular about what I drink, so believe me when I say Ramona is the perfect year round drink and bonus, it doesn't leave you bloated like other coolers. For the play, I mean take a look at these photos, look at the lights. What's not to love? My bestie who's pictured below happens to be moving out west soon (by the time you read this she has already moved) and we thought a fun way to say goodbye was to go create new memories.

Enough with the yapping, here are the pictures, outfit details are at the bottom.

Outfit details: Shirt & Vintage Shorts (similar shorts)




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So many things wrapped up into one: Naika by Nature!

Brooklyn, New York

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